Thursday, September 2, 2010

We Survived!

Hanging Out Before Heading Off To School

Yesterday, Matthew's first day of pre-school, was a success.

Arriving a few minutes early, I took him into his classroom and introduced him to his teachers. He was a bit hesitant at first but Miss Ava gave him a puzzle to do which settled him down. He immediately put all the pieces in and Miss Ashley told him how smart he was. (I always KNEW he was brilliant!) A few minutes after the second child arrived I told Matthew goodbye which set off the waterworks but I just kissed him and left. I hate when he is crying and I know the only thing I can do for him is leave.

When I picked him up two hours later he was all smiles, clutching a pack of cookies and wearing a bracelet he didn't have before. He said he had a good time but that he wasn't going back today. :-D

I'm Going To School Today

Today was a better. I didn't stay as long and there were no tears when I left. I did get excited squeals when I went back for him though.

As I've said before, Matthew is only going to go to school for two half days a week. I found out today that Fridays there is only a morning class made up of the three and four year olds. That class will have a total of 13 students in it so I've decided to make Fridays one of the days he goes. Currently, there are only three children in his class which makes the socialization experiment kinda meaningless. After all, to just have two children to play with he could stay home and play with my niece and nephew who also live on the property.

September 1, 2010 - Matthew's First Day of Pre-School

As for the teachers, they seem nice and Matthew says he likes them. I want to question them and have them tell me minute-by-minute what Matthew did while he was away from me but I'm not sure how well that would go over. It's quite frustrating having a child who doesn't speak in this instance. I ask him if he colored, he says yes. I ask him if he sang, he says yes. I ask him if he flew, he says yes. Somehow I don't think I'm getting the real answers out of him.

I think I should be asking questions but I don't know what questions to ask or what information to give about Matthew. I did let one of the teachers know that Matthew is not to get anything with red #40 or MSG in it but other than that I'm completely lost.

So, all you experienced mommies, what should I be asking the teachers at this point?

Cheers :-)
- Rainforest Mommy


LisaDay said...

I think his happiness says it all. But ask whatever you want. What did he do today other than flying? How did he interact with the other children? Do you notice anything that seems amiss?

I am so pleased he had a good time.


MommyLisa said...

Will they have conferences? I don't ask a lot about how my daughter is in pre-k, but she is pretty talkative and has been since she was 1.5 - I had an early talker because I talk non-stop and she had teenage siblings! ;)

Nikki said...

Thanks for stopping by to see me!

Those first days can be hard, but they are so precious! My oldest started high school this year and I can't fathom where all the time went - it flew by.

He'll tell you more and more, sometimes asking questions that aren't yes or no will help - even if you only understand 1/4 of what he's telling you.