Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Tropical Storm Alex's Destruction

Missed the stairs to my house by inches.

Two previous breaks to the same tree.

To see more Wordless Wednesday posts visit my other blog CoconutPalmDesigns or go to Wordless Wednesday.


Homemom3 said...

Wow that was close! Was this from a storm or old age with the tree?

Happy WW!

gtyyup said...

Very lucky...Mother Nature can sure pack a punch.

brandi said...

~so glad it missed your home...we had a branch come through our roof a few years back from a wond storm...can be quite scarry...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

I am Harriet said...

Oh gosh. I was just reading about your puppy as well. I'm so sorry.
Have a great Wednesday!

Dawn said...

Oh my. That was very close...and something to be very thankful for! Scary pictures to share...but I hope that you have a happy WW regardless!

LisaDay said...

Glad it missed you.


Kerri said...

Glad you're okay and the tree missed your house!!

Granny Sue said...

You've had quite a time lately, with the puppies and now this. hoping for brighter times for you in the coming weeks.

DebC said...

Wow! Too close for comfort. We've lost three trees in our yard over the last couple of years. Thankfully the worst damage was just to a fence.